kia ora and welcome to another financial year!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that as I type this, we’re in April and heading fast towards May. That’s the first quarter of the calendar year done and dusted, and the start of a new financial year! Where did the past year go?

I’m fortunate that I get to chat and work with lots of different business owners in a number of industries and I think I’m a pretty good gauge for what’s happening in the SME world at this point in time, at least in Hawke's Bay.

And if there was one word to sum things up at present, it would be AWARENESS.

AWARENESS that inflation is going to have a direct impact on Hawke's Bay businesses.

AWARENESS that supply chains are still under stress.

AWARENESS business owners need to mind the cash.

AWARENESS that we can’t hunker down and do nothing.

AWARENESS that we all still need to be proactive in our respective markets.

AWARENESS that there needs to be an investment in developing both teams and individuals. WATCH VIDEO – How to make your business like an F1 team 1m 40s.

Big spending director awarded thousands in employment dispute.
Shortcut or a Short Circuit? Why Cutting Corners Is Hurting Your Business.
Business Objectives & Budgets for March 2023 Financial Year

Most people I work with have either done (or are pretty close to) their strategic review, set their business objectives and set their budgets for the March 2023 year.

If you haven’t it’s not too late to start and in this video I provide 7 tips to help you get a really simple business plan done in under 60 minutes (you can take longer if you like!)

FREE PDF Download of the 'Excellence Dividend' Key Points

Earlier in the year I finished reading Tom Peter’s book the Excellence Dividend. I read with a pen and underline the bits that stick out to me.

The book is 450 pages long and well worth the read. But if you don’t want to read the whole book, here's a FREE PDF Download of the main points that I took out of it. You can also watch the video by clicking below.

Stop Thinking & Start Doing! Read Article >
Don’t be an 18 second person >
Watch over 100 business videos on PlanA TV

If you’re looking to access some useful quick-view content to help with your business check out PlanA TV on my website – there are close to 100 quick video clips on all sorts of interesting and informative topics related to doing business. From strategy and planning to inspirational book reviews and ways to streamline your business, there's something for everyone.

Business strategy examples to inspire business rethinking

Why are some companies able to create ‘blue oceans’ of uncontested market space while others struggle in ‘red oceans’ of intense competition? To answer this question, we need to look at some examples from a range of industries and identify the specific strategic actions blue ocean companies took to achieve profitable growth and business success.

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