So, what's been happening in the Hawke's Bay business scene over the past three months?

Winter 2021 Hawke's Bay Business Climate Update From Hutch

In my April 2021 Autumn Update I outlined how I saw the Hawke's Bay business climate as we headed towards Winter – READ IT HERE.And without wanting to sound like a clairvoyant, things have pretty much turned out as I predicted.


Hawke's Bay Business Buoyant & Optimistic

Things are definitely tracking in the right direction but there remains pressure on wages and filling positions. Supply chains are still causing challenges and August is a month where a big chunk of cash goes off to the IRD. People are investing in assets and folks are starting to talk about Christmas functions! All in all though, I think people are getting through winter well.


What did I hope for in the first quarter of this financial year and how did Hawke's Bay do?

  • That business owners get a chance to take a breath and share some of the pressure – they're getting there!
  • That business volume doesn’t decline – I haven’t seen evidence of any decline.
  • That the cash continues to circulate through Hawke's Bay's communities and families – yes it has.
  • That businesses that are suffering from labour shortages look at ways to collaborate with others in their industry as opposed to seeing them as competitors – getting team members is still a big challenge!
  • That supply chains remain strong – it seems to depend on industry and you definitely need to be all over this if you're quoting work due to pricing change.
  • That we don't suffer the winter blues – on the whole I think people are doing well :)


What do I hope for in the second quarter of the 2021 financial year?

  • We see some movement on vaccine rollouts.
  • Immigration NZ starts to make movements on freeing up MIQ spaces so businesses can get the people they need.
  • That people take some time for themselves.
  • People keep an eye on cash.


Please be in touch for a chat!

So that's my take on the Hawke's Bay business climate for Winter 2021. If you you'd like to have a chat about anything I've covered above, my door is always open. You can find me on 021 748 142 or

Regards, Hutch.