Good planning leads to better clarity. Better clarity leads to better decision making. And better decision making usually leads to better profitability.


Business Plans Driven By Strategic Objectives

In the previous three instalments about Strategic Reviews, Annual Business Plans & Execution we looked at the importance of strategic reviews, insights gained from staff workshops, and how to find your competitive advantage. In this fourth and final update we look at the all-important business plan.


A business plan is the blueprint for the coming year that drives a business to achieve their longer term strategic objectives. Where a strategic plan can be reviewed annually but normally only undergoes major adjustments every two, three or even more years, a business plan needs to be reviewed annually and tailored for the year ahead.

Strategic Objectives, 90-Day Sprints & Implementation

Business plans always refer back to the strategic plan’s direction and which tend to span at least five years, often longer. The business plan plans include the desired outcomes, business objectives for next 12 months, 90-day sprints (key points to focus on), and implementation activity (tasks required) split into five key categories as follows:


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Strategic Planning Needs A Process


All too often people think strategic planning is difficult because they don’t have a process to follow and business planning is a waste of time as it’s just words on paper.

If it’s not well thought through and is just a ‘tick-the-box’ exercise, then it will be a waste of time.

However, done properly, good strategic planning, business planning and business execution can make all the difference for a well performing, happy and profitable business.

So, are you ready to get all your ducks in a row and get on the road to business success? Speak to John at PlanA Consulting on a no cost, no obligation basis to see how your business can reach its true potential.



Phone: +64 21 748 142

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Making Your Business